Embracing the Missing Link for Students Learning English as a Second Language Webinar
Presented by Luis F. Cruz

Luis F. Cruz shares how schools use PLC strategies to help English learner populations flourish. This webinar details PLC components administrative and teacher leaders use to close the achievement gap for students learning English as a second language. Dr. Cruz shows how taskforce leadership can reculture and restructure, while introducing best practices to increase learning outcomes for all students. Learn the seven steps an EL taskforce can initiate to ensure students learning English as a second language are included in the “all means all” mantra defining a school’s fundamental purpose of learning for every student.

Participants discover how:
● Teacher-led taskforces increase academic performance for English learners.
● PLC practices can highlight stark realities when English learners are not learning.
● Adults change their expectaons and behaviors when listening to the needs of English learners, resulting in significant improvements in student achievement.





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