Strengthening Collaboration With Common Formative Assessments and Technology Webinar
May 6, 2015 | 3:00 p.m. ET
Presented by Becky Evers-Gerdes and Stephanie Larsen

Strengthening Collaboration With Common Formative Assessments and Technology Webinar












Piedmont Elementary School in Duluth, Minnesota, is a Title I school with 65 percent of students eligible for free and reduced lunch. Join Becky Evers-Gerdes, principal, and Stephanie Larsen, teacher, to discover how the school’s staff built a culture of collaboration that increased individual student growth. You’ll learn how they used assessment technology to develop common formative assessments, leading teams to have rich discussions, ask critical questions, and share practical strategies.

  • Explore methodologies for building and scoring common formative assessments.
  • Discover how to analyze students’ data not only as the school as a whole, but by each grade level, each classroom, and each individual student.
  • Uncover how to identify appropriate interventions for individual students.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the standards, and develop student-friendly learning targets.
  • Learn how to enhance collaboration through classroom walkthroughs, peer coaching conversations, regularly scheduled meetings, and more





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